Highpointe employed me in 2020.Ever since joining Highpointe, I have learnt so much about how the community can positively affect individuals with disabilities. This company is focused not only on work but also community, and we thrive on connecting individuals to resources that otherwise wouldn’t have been discovered. We use the community to deliver our messages, training and classes. Our participants are in the community everyday learning skills that naturally make them productive members of the community. Our training sessions for individuals with intellectual disability are always conducted in natural environments with a mix of people who do not have disabilities, and this gets noticed by the community.
In this and other ways, we have developed relationships across the community. I have seen participants come into the program with little knowledge and graduate to have more independence, learning public transportation, getting jobs and even learning transferrable life skills through which they can be useful to themselves throughout their lives. This job has changed my life and the way I view people with disabilities.
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